Congregational Liaison: Chuck Monroe
ForKids’ mission is to break the cycle of poverty and homelessness for families and children. They assist about 150 families weekly through emergency shelters, transitional housing, permanent supportive housing, and in-home care management.
St. Columba
Congregational Liaison: Alice Allen-Grimes
St. Columba Ecumenical Ministries provides assistance to homeless adults in need through a day shelter, Next Step Transitional Housing, clothing closet, and dental, prescription & vision referrals. Due to St. Columba's professionalism and comprehensive screening process, Second refers those seeking immediate daily assistance to them. St. Columba also offers a food pantry for the 23509 zip code residents and holds drives for back-to-school supplies for Oceanaire Elementary, as well as holiday baskets for families at Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter.
St. Mary’s Soup Kitchen
Congregational Liaison: Larry Hull
St. Mary’s Soup Kitchen provides a healthy meal of breakfast fare, homemade soup, sandwiches, and other foods to 75+ children and adults Saturday mornings weekly. Second provides volunteers regularly and staffs the entire operation monthly by making and serving 200+ eggs, 10 gallons of soup, and 100 sandwiches.
​LAUNCH Ministry
Congregational Liaison: Joe Morgan
LAUNCH—an acronym that stands for Learning, Access, Unity, Nutrition, Career, and Health—is a community and organizational network of service providers organized to assist citizens in finding necessary resources to live a safe and productive life. This frequently involves food distribution, but also involve reaching out through celebrations, games, bicycle safety training, and a variety of other kinds of services.
​On the third Thursday of the month, volunteers work various shifts helping pack and distribute food for our neighbors.
​The Norfolk Street Choir Project
Congregational Liaison: Rich Voter
The Norfolk Street Choir Project engages the community to encourage and support our unsheltered and homeless neighbors who are in need through service and arts opportunities in a joyful, affirming, and safe environment. Founded by Artistic Director Robert Shoup, the Norfolk Street Choir has weekly Tuesday rehearsals and instruction, regular performance and collaborative opportunities, and Friday morning group arts activities, involving painting, drawing, and other media. This ministry also provides breakfast on Tuesdays and Fridays, opportunities for showers, haircuts, medical services, and mail service and document assistance.