(757) 423-2822 info@spcnorfolk.org

Current Sermon Series

Sermon Series July 14-August 11

Nourished by Faith: God’s Plan through Food in Genesis

In Genesis, stories involving food highlight five distinctive lenses that illuminate God’s redemptive plan. Savor the Scriptures as we uncover the spiritual significance of food in Genesis. From exploring the first fruits of creation and the forbidden fruit to understanding Noah’s dietary restrictions, Abraham’s hospitality, and Esau’s deception, each week offers a taste of the divine wisdom woven throughout these ancient accounts. 

July 14      “In the Beginning”: God’s Bounty and Blessing (Genesis 1:29-31)

July 21       Forbidden Fruit: Faith, Food, and the Human Condition (Genesis 2:8-17 and 3:1-7)

July 28       After the Flood: Noah, Food, and Jesus (Genesis 9:1-7 and John 6:48-58)

August 4    A Sacrificial Feast: Abraham’s Hospitality (Genesis 18:1-15)

August 11  The Birthright Stew: Jacob and Esau’s Choices (Genesis 25:29-34)